Although the effort is minimal, it is essential. So, even if you haven’t been lucky in the looks department, you should avoid these 5 appearance pitfalls because these are the reasons why you haven’t been able to score a date.
1. You Sweat A Lot
Are you the dude who can even give pigs competition when it comes to sweating out? And this when you are not even exerting yourself? There can be a lot of reasons for this, one of them being you wear clothes made out of cheap fabric. Stick with natural fibers such as cotton, linen and khaki. Other reason can be a condition which is known as Hyperhidrosis.
2. Your Teeth Are Yellowish
When people, especially women look at you, yellow teeth is probably the last thing they want to look at, let alone date such a man. Dental hygiene has come a long way since you were a kid. Now is the time to get a clean set of pearlies. You can easily whiten your teeth in the privacy of your home.
When people, especially women look at you, yellow teeth is probably the last thing they want to look at, let alone date such a man. Dental hygiene has come a long way since you were a kid. Now is the time to get a clean set of pearlies. You can easily whiten your teeth in the privacy of your home.
3. You Have A Unibrow
Wow, you still have a unibrow? That’s just shameful. We cannot reiterate more about how having a unibrow is just plain unacceptable. Especially when tweezing them is so easy. You don’t have to tweeze more than once a week to keep your brows under control. So, get rid of that abomination right now!
4. Your Skin Is Dull
For the most part, treating acne is very difficult. But, once you reach adulthood, acne normally clears up, barring a few cases of adult acne. All you have got to do is wash your face twice every day without fail. That shouldn’t be so hard. Also, every season demands a separate skincare routine. Here’s how you should take care of your skin in summers.
For the most part, treating acne is very difficult. But, once you reach adulthood, acne normally clears up, barring a few cases of adult acne. All you have got to do is wash your face twice every day without fail. That shouldn’t be so hard. Also, every season demands a separate skincare routine. Here’s how you should take care of your skin in summers.
5. You Have Neck Hair
You have a hairy neck? No big deal. Many guys do. Just do yourself a favour and indulge in manscaping as and when required. Using just a little shaving cream, shave from the end of your hair to just below your collar. Also, if a few chest hairs have crept north of your chest, don’t forget to pluck them too.
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