She is thought to be new leader of Mexican hit squad (Los Antrax) & drug cartel (Sinaloa cartel)
see more pix after the cut>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

The 27-year-old uses social media to brag about her lifestyle,
posting pictures of herself holding guns, posing with a leopard, and
strutting around in tight outfits and swimsuits.

U.S. intelligence sources have named the Sinaloa cartel as ‘the most
powerful drug trafficking organization in the world’, and they are
thought to be responsible for much of the heroin smuggled into America.

Los Antrax is the drug cartel’s elite contract killer squad, and was
previously led by Claudia’s lover Jose Rodrigo Arechiga Gamboa, 33, who
was arrested in January.

Often pictured posing with signature pink AK-47 in various tight outfits

Also posts images of her three children surrounded by piles of cash

Hit squad Los Antrax carry out assassinations for feared Sinaloa cartel
Claudia dated former leader Jose Gamboa until he was arrested in January

Jeremy Meeks, 30, was arrested on weapons and gang charges and caused
a stir when Stockton, California cops shared his mugshot online

Fewer than 24 hours later, the felon’s face had gained a rabid fan
following as over 20,000 people ‘liked’ the photo and nearly 6,000 had

But records reveal a far less attractive rap sheet – including grand
theft, resisting arrest and faking his identity by pretending to be his

His tattoos show a teardrop beneath his eye – known as a sign of
killing someone – and ‘Crips’, one of the area’s most notorious gangs

But relatives said he escaped gang life 7 years ago and ‘gave his
heart to God’ – and believes police are stereotyping him because of his

Meeks appeared in court Friday for his arraignment and his bail has been set at $1million