3 signs to know that your girlfriend had sex

Abuja – When one of your guy friends had sex the previous night he will probably greet you with a high-five pre-raised five metres away the next day.
But how can you tell if a woman got laid recently? Men’s Health helps out with that.
She seems hotter
The more active a woman’s sex life is, the more pheromones her body releases. Those airborne little Cupid arrows attract the opposite sex, theJournal of Advanced Research says.
She is less needy
Loads of sex leads to the release of loads of oxytocin, a hormone that helps us bond. So after she had sex her needs for bonding are satisfied more fully and she is less clingy for a while.
She sleeps better
When a woman has an orgasm, she experiences a 30 percent increase in the hormone prolactin. That hormone makes her sleepy right after sex, the Oxford Journal of Human Reproduction said. She will also get really sleepy in the afternoon the next day.
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