Research also has it that eating meat increases sperm density, compared to consuming a vegetarian or vegan diet, but drinking coffee and other caffeinated beverages makes men less likely to conceive with their partner. A group from the University of Rochester Medical Center in Rochester, New York, studied 753 men undergoing fertility treatment between 2003 and 2011, asking them about their drinking and smoking habits, as well as their sexual health and satisfaction. The average age of the men was 35. Almost three-quarters (73 per cent) of those surveyed drank alcohol, while only 16 per cent used tobacco. The results showed that drinkers reported better sexual function than teetotallers, while those who didn’t drink alcohol were more likely to report deficiencies in their erections and ability to complete intercourse. By comparison, 8.4 per cent of the smokers had moderate to severe erectile dysfunction and were more likely to be unsatisfied with sex than non-smokers. Meanwhile, researchers from Loma Linda University School of Medicine, in California, found that vegetarian men have significantly poorer sperm concentration and mobility than those who eat meat. The study compared results from sperm analyses conducted between 2009 and 2013 on 26 vegetarians, 5vegans, and 443 non-vegetarians. The vegetarians had an average sperm concentration of 51 million/millilitre compared to 70 million/millilitre for meat eaters, as well as lower average sperm mobility: 33 per cent compared to 58 per cent. Vegans’ results were similar to vegetarians’. However, the lower results were not classified in the infertile range, meaning that all the numbers fell in the normal range. Lets know how to drink responsibly…
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