Martins Amaihe who was born on the 26th of October to the family of Mr. & Mrs Paul Uchechukwu
Amaihe, has revealed that one million Naira cannot make him show his nakedness
on screen.
Ihebinowere-Okwudor, Njaba Local Government Area of Imo State born actor who is
a graduated of Accounting from Federal Polytechnic Nekede Owerri who did not actually
reveal his selling point for a nude role however said that he recently turned
down an offer to play such role recently and has no regret for that.
“At this
point of my Career I will not give up, I will make sure I get to the top; give
my best to viewers and stay focus in order to archive my dream.
Recently I
was called upon to go nude on a new movie which the producer ask me to go nude
for a Million Naria which i refused and dropped the job for someone else.
I am an actor and I am to make believe but
have we forgotten that we have a culture, what is right and wrong? There is no
way I can go nude for One Million Naira” He said.
Martins Amaihe has taken part in various activities in the Nigerian movie /
theater industry Nollywood such as acting on movies, stage drama in theaters
and soaps on television.
Since 2002,
as a member of the AGN (Actors Guild of Nigeria), he has acted in series of movies such as Silent
night, face off, Rampage on Campus, Cry of an Orphan (Stage Drama), The
concubine (a theater stage drama at the National Theater), Black Friday (Only
shows on theater) and many more. He has been featured in over 65 movies and was
previously nominated for Best Teenage actor in Thema Award in the year 2000 for
the movie Silent night and best upcoming actor on stage drama in Encomium
Entertainment Award in 2009.
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