This one is for my #bellovers and non-bellovers
People constantly ask me why I like Korede Bello
so much.
They do not understand that it’s not for
superficial reasons so i decided to do this.
1. His HUMILITY. This definitely is number 1. It
always gets me. But like i always say, the way up is down.
2. His VOICE. He is extraordinarily talented.
His smooth voice always provides a sort of comfortzone for me.
3. His DRESS SENSE. Simple but he always looks
like a #DoroMegaSuperStar. (The necklace). No blings and things that attract
unnecessary attention.
4. He does not take things for granted. His fans
mean a lot to him. He can sacrifice even his sleep just so he can retweet and
reply them or repost their pictures and videos.
5. He is a HUSTLER. Not in the razz sense of the
word but he will not stop until he gets where God has destined for him to be.
6. He is FUNNY. Several times my mom has had
cause to question my sanity because I am laughing so hard at something he said.
7. He is SPONTANEOUS. Á la his dorobucci fuji
remix. I laugh everytime i see it.
8. He is SWEET. If you are his friend, he will
stop at nothing to see you happy. He will stay up till 12 midnight to wish you
happy birthday and start fighting over who was first to wish *shines teeth*
(But korede dont lie, u know i won!)
9. He is FRIENDLY. This ought to be number one
because this is my primary reason for being a #bellover . He manages to make
time out of no time for his friends and fans. He tries as much as possible to
reply without hurting your feelings. He is also an UnderG Pastor. His prayers
are #GBAM
10. Now I made this number ten because people
tend to think its number one but I want them to know there are more important
things, but I will not lie o. He is CUTE. His youthful looks endear him to many
including Your’s Truly.
BONUS: He may or may not know this but he unites
his fans in a way no other celeb has been able to do.
By being a bellover, i have met some of the most
awesome people ever. Now you see why I can never stop repping the
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