“I was very angry with every kind of man, anyone that called himself a man… It’s only that I could not manage to hunt and kill them but my desire was to use any weapon to kill men – because one of them killed me. Inside me, I said to myself, ‘I will never tell them my status. Whoever comes to me, I will finish him. The way they infected me, I must infect them also.’ I don’t know how many men I infected but they are thousands.”
This is the true-life, shocking story of Francis, a prostitute who spent 18 of her 32 years on earth in the se.x trade, sleeping with up to six men daily in the major cities of Tanzania and Namibia.
It chronicles her diabolical form of revenge after discovering she was HIV/AIDS Positive in 2006 and her remarkable turnaround at an unlikely destination in Lagos, Nigeria.

It was Emmanuel TV, the station of Nigerian Pastor T.B. Joshua.
Seizing the opportunity to visit Nigeria, Francis decided to visit the famous church in Lagos after she had dropped off her son. “When I arrived in Lagos, they put me in a car and took me straight to a state called Enugu. I only stayed one week there. Then I had to search for The Synagogue.”
On Sunday 27 th April 2014, Miss Francis sat gingerly in the huge auditorium of The Synagogue, Church Of All Nations (SCOAN) in Lagos. It was the time of prayer from the ‘wise men’ and she was nervous. “Before the wise man came close, I felt like electricity dividing my body and I started shivering. I don’t know what happened when he prayed for me.” Francis received ‘deliverance’ from the ‘demon’ that pushed her to a life of prostitution.
The following week, Sunday 4 th May 2014, Francis publicly gave her confession in the crowded church. “I am here to kneel down and ask the whole world, every man I encountered, to forgive me,” she tearfully said, explaining that after her ‘deliverance’ she began regretting her actions for the first time. She went further to send a poignant message to her fellow s/ex-workers. “There is no benefit in prostitution. The end of prostitution is bitterness and sorrow. I advise youth – if you are in the same situation I was in, let me be an example in your eyes. Drop that lifestyle immediately and seek the face of God.”
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